Confirm appointment time
Double-check that time and date again just in case
Confirm travel time with plenty of room for error*
Set about 52 alarms so you’re not late
Visa Appointment Documents:
Application form
2 Copies of the Personal Data Page
Copies of other Visas (this isn’t required, I’m just abundantly cautious)
2 EU Passport ID-Sized Photos (3.5 cm x 4.5 cm)
Extra photos just in case
Application fee: 2,500kč
Applying abroad: Check payment methods
Applying in Prague: 2,500kč in stamps from the post office
Double check everything has the necessary signatures
Confirmation of Study
2 Copies
Proof of Accommodation
2 Copies
Proof of Funds
2 Copies
The debit card for this account
2 Copies of the front only (make sure the name is visible)
Health Insurance Contract (if submitting with application)
2 Copies
Proof of Payment
2 Copies
Criminal History Check
2 Copies
Medical Report
2 Copies
Just check the appointment & travel time one more time :)
Make sure your phone isn’t on silent so your alarms definitely go off
*PLENTY of room for error. I once rented a car to get to my visa appointment and, of course, on the way to my appointment, the tire blew out and my friend and I had to beg a random Slovak man to help us change the tire. By some stroke of fate, I factored in enough cushion time that I wasn’t late for the appointment.
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Edited by Sophia Pedigo